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March 15, Saturday, is the annual AZ Fly Shop Spring Fling. AFC will have a table and awning at this event. The time is from 10:00 until 4:00. Please stop by, check out the great gear, say "Hi", and grab a burger or a hot dog.

March 22nd, Saturday, is our Dutch Oven Cookout. If you like to eat this is a must attend event. Please register so that we know how many mouths to feed. The food should be ready around 4:00. This year we will have a bonfire in the evening after supper. Arrive early if you want to improve your Dutch Oven Cooking skills. 

March 29 & 30, Saturday and Sunday, is the annual Arizona Game and Fish Department Outdoor Expo. AFC will have a table and awning at this event. WE NEED MORE VOLUNTEERS for this event. It is very easy, just hang around and swap stories with the attendees. Register online if you want to volunteer. We try to divide the volunteers into four groups: Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon, Sunday morning and Sunday afternoon. Email "" if you have any questions.

White Mountain Lakes Foundation is dedicated to improving Arizona’s White Mountain fisheries through grassroots conservation, restoration and protection efforts.

Click on the link below to get additional information.



Meeting Information

Arizona Flycasters Club holds monthly meetings on the second Tuesday of the month.
The meetings are held at the:
Arizona American-Italian Club

7509 N 12th St, Phoenix, AZ

Meetings begin at 6:00pm with a social hour and raffles and wrap up with club updates and a knowledgeable speaker.
Meetings usually end at 8:30 or 9:00.

About once a quarter AFC will hold a new member orientation which coincides with the monthly meetings.

Get Involved

Arizona Flycasters Club started in 1962, we are now more than 60 years old and have over 200 members. We boast fly fishing education, fishy camaraderie, community involvement, monthly outings and general meetings. 

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Please Lend a Helping Hand

Click the "Volunteer" button below



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Official Address
PO Box 47357
Phoenix, AZ 85068
United States of America

AFC is a Federal 501(c)3 non-profit, educational entity
incorporated under the laws of Arizona.

Established 1962